Africa discusses solutions to accelerate energy sector in Dar es Salaam

África discute em Dar-es-Salam soluções para aceleração do sector energético

The city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania is hosting a summit of African heads of state and government on energy on Tuesday (28), the main objective of which is to set the pace for accelerating the implementation of the goals set out in the so-called "Mission 300", which is an agenda created to promote access to electricity for 300 million people by 2030 on the continent..

The summit, co-organized by the Tanzanian government, the African Union and the African Development Bank and World Bank, according to a note quoted by Terra magazine, "will address the urgent need for reliable, affordable and sustainable energy to boost growth and economic development on the African continent".

The meeting is expected to end with the adoption of a joint declaration that will guide the measures to be followed in order to achieve the target set for 2030.


(Photo DR)

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