After all, Elvino Dias already knew about the plan to assassinate him

Afinal, Elvino Dias já sabia do plano do seu assassinato

Lawyer Elvino Dias, linked to the campaign of presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane, who was assassinated in the early hours of Saturday morning in Maputo, was already aware of the plan designed by the "Death Squads" to take his life.

According to a post on his Facebook page on April 19, the plan was aimed at him and Venâncio Mondlane.

"When I learned last Wednesday, through a friend who loves me, that there was a plan designed to the millimetre by the Death Squads to take the life of Mr. Venâncio Mondlane and mine, I thought about fleeing Maputo city for a few days," reads the lawyer's publication.

He continues: "But first I called Venâncio Mondlane to tell him first hand of this intention and also to suggest that he flee for a few days. He (Venâncio Mondlane), while also showing concern, told me that it wasn't necessary to flee, because they know perfectly well where to find us, it was the life option we chose, to be on the side of truth and justice."

Meanwhile, according to the same publication, Venâncio Mondlane's words gave the lawyer the courage and encouragement to continue fighting for justice. "In a country as upside down as ours, truth and justice have their price, and the biggest price is the death of those who say it," he concluded.

In fact, the plan continued. Elvino Dias, a lawyer for presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane Jr and the main legal advisor for CAD/PODEMOS in these general elections and the provincial assemblies, was murdered in the early hours of this morning along with the PODEMOS leader, Paulo Guambe.



























(Photo DR)

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