After all, the survivor of the murder didn't know Elvino Dias or Paulo Guambe

Afinal, a sobrevivente do assassinato não conhecia o Elvino Dias e nem Paulo Guambe

After all, the only survivor who was in Elvino Dias' car last Friday didn't know the deceased. In a publication in the newspaper "The Country", the victim said, during a visit by the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, he got into the car because he asked for a lift and didn't see the faces of the shooters.

The survivor, Adácia Macuácua, works at the 4 de Outubro Market, better known as Pulmão da Malhangalene, and stressed that she didn't know either Elvino Dias or Paulo Guambe, but as fate would have it, that day she was in the wrong car, at the wrong time and with the wrong people.

"They asked for a lift for me, with a colleague, because I left late, at 11pm. I was waiting for my husband, but he didn't arrive for a while. They asked for a lift and he (Elvino) said he was going to Magoanine. He said he was going to drop me off in Magoanine and I got in," she added, stressing that: "I already wanted to go home because my daughter wasn't well".

However, still in Maputo Central Hospital, the victim says she has no memory of what happened at the time.


(Photo DR)

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