The Archbishop of Nampula pointed out that the lack of sincere reconciliation is resulting in frequent episodes of political instability in Mozambique.
Dom Inácio Saúre, who is president of the Episcopal Council of Mozambique, stressed that for true reconciliation to take place, there needs to be a genuine willingness in the hearts of those who want this process to happen. It is also essential that they know how to listen.
"I am convinced that in Mozambique, reconciliation processes are always derailed because there is a lack of sincere openness of heart, to seek true reconciliation, if someone has ears to hear," he said, continuing: "That is what is lacking in this country. Jesus used to use this expression to show that there are people who are willing to listen, but who have no interest in really understanding what is being said".
According to the archbishop of Nampula, quoted by the Rigor newspaper"When there are disagreements between individuals, there can be no reconciliation with God".
"Things are not going well in our country and we are all witnesses to this, we need courage to take the first real step to put an end to this ordeal, we are all called to build a society in the world and in Mozambique in particular. We are all invited to build a society where people love each other, a society where everything that poisons our country is avoided," said Dom Inácio Saúre, stressing that it is essential that Mozambicans dedicate themselves collectively to rebuilding reconciliation.
The Archbishop of Nampula was speaking at a homily last Friday, alluding to the ceremony for the start of the 2025 academic year at the Catholic University of Nampula, which also marks the beginning of the institution's thirtieth anniversary celebrations.
(Photo DR)
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