Government says it has already started paying overtime in Gaza province

Governo diz que já iniciou com o pagamento de horas extras na província de Gaza

The education sector in Gaza province, southern Mozambique, guarantees that it has already started paying overtime debts for the year 2024. The payment process covers more than four thousand primary and secondary school teachers.

Quoted by Radio MozambiqueRaquelígia Jorge, spokeswoman for the provincial directorate of Education in Gaza, said that the payment of the outstanding amounts began last week, and initially covers the teachers assigned to the Massingir and Massangena districts.

"On March 12, teachers from the Massingir and Massangena districts began to be paid, so I can tell you that the process is already underway. It's part of the 100-day plan to get the overtime debts paid," the spokeswoman said.


(Photo DR)

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