Venâncio Mondlane accuses the "system" of trying to control him and freeze the people's freedom of conscience

Venâncio Mondlane acusa o “sistema” de o tentar controlar e congelar libertação de consciência do povo

Politician Venancio Mondlane accuses the political-judicial system - which he says is under the yoke of Frelimo - of trying to control him and of preventing the liberation of the conscience of the Mozambican people.

On Tuesday, Mondlane was heard by the Attorney General's Office in a criminal case involving incitement to public disobedience. The Public Prosecutor's Office decided that Mondlane must communicate his movements and not be absent from his home for more than five days.

"They've issued an identity and residence document. That's how they want to control me. I can't leave my house for more than five days without giving notice. I can't leave the country without informing them. In fact, they want to control all my movements," he said.

In a communication in your social network pageMondlane warned, however, that it will be impossible to control what goes on inside him. "They can control the body, but they won't control what I think, desire or my vision. The people's love for the truth will not be controlled."

On the other hand, according to Mondlane, "the system" intends to freeze the awakening movement that he believes is taking place among Mozambican youth.

"We've been blindfolded for 50 years, and today that blindfold is being ripped off, eyes and ears are opening, the mind is starting to turn because it was frozen... they want to destroy and kill that," he said.

Mondlane said that the PGR is serving as a combat weapon in a field where Frelimo still holds power, but not on the ground, with the masses.

"Frelimo is using weapons against the people [because] it no longer has power," he said, while calling on his supporters to maintain their courage and continue the struggle, the demonstrations during this cycle of government.

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