Two young men, Daniel Ricardo Guambe, 28, and Rafito Sebastião Sitoe, 21, were shot dead on Saturday night in Massinga village, Inhambane province.
The young people were identified as supporters of former presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane, according to a publication on a social network yesterday by Dinis Tivane, Mondlane's political advisor.
In Tivane's post, as well as images of the victims, a video shows a double-cabin car riddled with bullets and traces of blood.
It should be remembered that recently, the newly appointed Commander of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique, Joaquim Sive, visited the province of Inhambane and visited the municipality of Massinga.
"No one can affront the state! No one should do it!... we have to find solutions... and put an end to this" he said, quoted in a report by TV Miramar.
On that occasion of contact with the population, they called for collaboration with the police to put an end to the riots in the area. The residents expressed their readiness to cooperate with the police.
"... we are asking, Commander General, for the best solution to save Massinga, whatever it is, we are asking," said a local commercial agent.
Another citizen said he knew all the people who create disorder in Massinga. "We know all the people who make a mess, and now we can name them. This is a very small village. We know the leaders. Why don't they catch these people who stir up the kids to make this mess?" asked another Massinga resident, calling on the Commander General to deploy strong police and military personnel "to put an end to what we're experiencing...".
Until yesterday, the police in Inhambane had not commented on the murder of Venâncio Mondlane's supporters by unknown people.
Daniel Ricardo Guambe, left behind a wife and two children, the last of whom is four months old, and Rafito Sebastião Sitoe, left behind a wife with a newborn four days old (today), according to Dinis Tivane.
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