The president of the Supreme Court (TS), Adelino Muchanga, defends the need to redouble anti-corruption awareness within the judiciary in order to guarantee upright justice based on honesty, promptness and impartiality.
Speaking yesterday (07) during the opening of the national conference of Mozambican judges, as part of the project to "Strengthen the professional associations of Justice in the fight against corruption", which coincides with the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Mozambican Association of Judges (AMJ), Adelino Muchanga stressed that despite the fact that the country has legal instruments and institutions that deal with the issue, "corruption can only be stamped out by the exemplary action of every citizen".
"We have to redouble our anti-corruption awareness within the judiciary. We want a justice system with integrity, in which the provision of services is based on honesty, promptness and partiality. A benchmark of propriety as a quality that makes public servants, such as magistrates, immune to favours and other forms of influence that compromise the impartiality and impartiality that should characterize the actions of judges," said the president of the Supreme Court.
Cited by AIMThe magistrate also recalled that corruption practiced, tolerated or covered up by a judge is perhaps the greatest scourge on the judiciary and deeply and sometimes irreversibly damages the trust of citizens and society in justice.
"In fact, what is more serious than internal censorship, including disciplinary censorship, is the discrediting of the justice system that we administer by society," Muchanga said.
For his part, the president of the Mozambican Association of Judges, Esmeraldo Matavele, called on magistrates to distance themselves from corrupt practices, stressing that the association "feels very hurt and ashamed when there is news that a judge is involved in acts of corruption".
(Photo DR)
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