Miners abandon colleague's corpse in Montepuez Ruby Mining mine

Mineiros abandonam cadáver de colega na mina da Montepuez Ruby Mining

The lifeless body of a 23-year-old illegal miner was abandoned on Saturday (01.03) by a group of illegal miners in a mining concession owned by Mozambican company Montepuez Ruby Mining (MRM), in Cabo Delgado province.

A statement received by our newsroom says that the group left the body adrift after noticing the presence of an MRM guard who was "carrying out a physical inspection of the perimeter".

After informing the district authorities and isolating the area, the following day (Sunday, 02.03), the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) concluded that "the individual died from injuries caused by a landslide in an illegal excavation".

The body was handed over to the family the same day, according to the document.

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