Protests in Mozambique have gone beyond electoral issues, according to Chapo

Protestos em Moçambique ultrapassaram questões eleitorais, segundo Chapo

The President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, believes that the current protests in the country have moved beyond the post-election issues that have dominated the country since October 21, 2024.

"The post-election crisis translated into violent and illegal demonstrations, whose human and material consequences continue to be felt in the country, have nothing to do with the election results, as is becoming clear with each passing day," he said yesterday during a meeting with the diplomatic corps accredited in Mozambique.

In this sense, he assured that efforts will continue to be made to stabilize the country, including extending the political debate to another party with seats in the Provincial Assemblies.

"That is why we are leading the process of political dialogue with political parties and other living forces in civil society so that, in a constructive, honest, upright and patriotic way, we can overcome the post-election crisis and, as brothers, focus on the reconstruction and development of our country, Mozambique," he said.

On the other hand, Chapo told the diplomats that the impact of the measures adopted for the first hundred days of government should be felt immediately. (Source: AIM)

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