Nampula: Community radios resume broadcasting after 48-hour suspension

Nampula: Rádios comunitárias voltam a transmitir após 48h de suspensão

Mozambique's National Communications Institute (INCM) has decided to revoke the temporary suspension of broadcasts by three community radio stations in the northern city of Nampula. The radios in question are Encontro, Haq and Vida, which had had their broadcasts suspended due to interference in the communications of the aeronautical mobile service, thus compromising flight safety..

The INCM's decision came 48 hours after the announcement of the suspension of broadcasts. However, broadcasts are now taking place at a lower frequency.

"From the meeting we had with the INCM, we came to the conclusion that the radio can be reactivated, but its power has been reduced, in order to solve the problem that had to do with the interference it was causing at the level of the aircraft system and as a result, we still have some traces that we have to make clear, about the subsequent steps so that the radio continues to function in a normal way, such as the placement of filters, and as the issue of other tools that are necessary," said Father Serafim João, deputy director of Rádio Encontro, quoted in a publication on the portal Ikweli.

In the same publication, the source expressed his satisfaction to the press with the work done by the INCM, but also acknowledged the error. "The INCM has shown that there is radio interference in the aircraft system that also involves other radios, including Rádio Moçambique, which was not involved before," added the manager.

At the time of the suspension, a statement issued by the INCM said that a technical team had identified that the joint broadcasts of the Encontro, Catholic Church, Haq and Vida radios were disrupting the connection between the Nampula airport control tower and aircraft, putting air navigation at risk.

"Given the danger this situation poses to human lives, the INCM has notified the three radio stations concerned of the interference identified and has ordered that their broadcasts be temporarily switched off, with immediate effect, for as long as the interference persists," said the communications regulator.


(Photo DR)

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