Marracuene municipality reduces transport fare for pupils from 19 to 10 meticais

Município de Marracuene reduz tarifa de transporte para alunos de 19 para 10 meticais

Marracuene Town Council recently introduced the student card to reduce transportation costs for pupils. The buses will start running in two weeks' time and the initiative will be subsidized to cover operating costs.

With the measure, the fare for semi-collective transport will go from 19 to 10 meticais, in two buses that will be allocated by the municipality of Marracuene, to operate during school hours, along the National Road Number One (N1) and the Maputo ring road.

In a NewsThe mayor, Shafee Sidat, explained that "the initiative aims to ease the burden on the families of students who travel long distances every day".

"The card is issued free of charge and is already in progress. Those interested must present a declaration from the school they attend and their identity card," the source added.


(Photo DR)

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