Senior manager accused of "bed testing" PRM rookies

Alto dirigente acusado “fazer teste de cama” a novatas da PRM

Police officers from the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), in Sofala province, accuse the Director of Public Order and Security, Cassimo Aly, of abuse of office, extortion and sexual corruption.

According to the Center for Democracy and Human Development (CDD), which received and publicized the complaint, Cassimo Aly 'instituted' a scheme to appoint posts and promote agents. Those interested must pay between 30,000 and 100,000 meticais in the first case, and 500,000 meticais in the second.

The NGO says that agents interested in keeping their positions must pay a weekly fee (every Friday) of 5,000 meticais, otherwise they will be transferred to less favorable areas.

The whistleblowers revealed that the accused uses the agents' money to deal with personal matters such as paying bills for drinking in bars, food and buying building materials for his private home. "Orders for these purchases are sent via WhatsApp groups."

The letter of complaint addressed to the CDD also states that Cassimo Aly acts as a sexual predator, demanding sexual favors in exchange for advantages in the corporation. The victims, for the most part, are officers at the start of their careers or who are 'in the pipeline' for positions of greater responsibility.

"Those who refuse to meet the demands suffer reprisals, such as arbitrary transfers to remote areas, demotion or even suspension of internal benefits," writes the CDD.

Sexual victims are coerced into giving in to the demands of the Director of Public Order and Security, and often brigade chiefs and direct superiors act as Cassimo Aly's intermediaries with the victims.

 The officers want an urgent investigation and the immediate removal of the Director of Public Order and Security.

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