Caifadine wants to solve housing problems by distributing land to young people

Caifadine quer resolver problemas de habitação distribuindo terreno para os jovens

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Caifadine Manasse, is going to propose to the government the allocation of land for young people and the sale of building materials at an affordable price as part of the solution to housing problems.

"In the area where we lead, which is the youth area, we will do everything in our power to work, so that there is land for young people to build on," said the new Minister for Youth and Sport, quoted by "O País".

The minister promises to debate with the government in order to find alternatives to mitigate the effects of the price of building materials and other issues.

"We're going to submit it, we're going to discuss it and we're going to do everything we can to ensure that youth remains at the heart of our governance," he said.

And in order to achieve these goals, he reiterates that it is essential for the environment to be peaceful and distraction-free.

"This is the time to be united and we will continue to work towards permanent dialogue, to make all the players in society understand that it is important to look at Mozambique as our country, as our property and that it should be cherished for its development," he explained.

The Minister of Youth and Sport was speaking this Monday in Maputo, on the sidelines of National Heroes Day.

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