Óscar Monteiro: In Mozambique, the political elite looks after its own navel and forgets about the people

Óscar Monteiro: Em Moçambique a elite política olha para o próprio umbigo esquece o povo

Óscar Monteiro, a senior member of the Frelimo party, believes that over the years the ruling political elites in Mozambique have been preoccupied with issues that are less important for national development.

"What has happened in our country is that the political leadership has become more preoccupied with itself and the state has started to think about itself: buildings, facilities, employees, but that doesn't solve the employment problem," he told the press. DW.

According to the veteran of the national liberation struggle, the group of people who successively controlled the state became preoccupied with their own issues, isolating the people and their concerns.

"We needed a policy that looked at others with generosity, with a sense of social inclusion," he said.

Although the country is going through critical moments in its political history, where the people are demanding everything and more, Monteiro believes that it is still possible to reverse the scenario and have the people at the center of attention.

"That's still possible. It's not possible if people start thinking about themselves, their stomachs, navel politics," he said.

Óscar Monteiro advocates unity among Mozambicans and exemplary leadership for the country, which is still in the construction and development phase.

"I think this is the number one problem we have in the country. The moment it is possible to cleanse and purify the Frelimo party, perhaps the party will gain - but it has to fight for it - the admiration and love it once had in this country, in Samora's time," he said.

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