Bar Association regrets murder of Elvino Dias and speaks of an attack on democracy

Ordem dos Advogados lamenta assassinato de Elvino Dias e fala de um atentado à democracia

The Mozambican Bar Association (OAM) repudiated the fatal shooting of Elvino Dias on Saturday morning, classifying the act as an attack on the class of lawyers as well as on democracy.

At a press conference called by the Bar Association, OAM president Carlos Martins began by saying that the death of Elvino Dias was linked to his work as a lawyer and, "as a class, we could not remain indifferent at this time".

"For us as a class, we have no doubt that this death is an attack on the profession, on the independence of democracy, an attack on the rule of law and on democracy. In a democratic state governed by the rule of law, the rule of law must prevail and this is what Dr. Elvino Dias defended as a lawyer," said the president of the Portuguese Bar Association.

According to the Order, the death of Elvino Dias is linked to his activity. "We have shown our repudiation and we are going to meet. Only those who don't have a family aren't afraid, but we have no choice, we're going to continue defending our greatest ideology, which is freedom," said the president.

The source went on to say that the Bar Association, through the Commission for the Defense of Lawyers' Prerogatives, will closely monitor the investigations into this case.

After the press conference, the lawyers marched to the place where Elvino Dias was murdered.

(Photo DR)

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