Money laundering: Vandalized parking lots shut down by PGR

Branqueamento de Capitais: Vandalizados parques de automóveis encerrados pela PGR

The Attorney General's Office (PGR) recently ordered the closure of around 20 used car sales outlets in Maputo city.

The closures took place as part of the Stop-BC (Stop Money Laundering) operations, which have also led to the confiscation of infrastructure, large sums of money and vehicles.

However, as television reports MiramarUnknown assailants climbed into one of the closed parks in Maputo city, broke through the electric fence and stole vehicle accessories. At least three vehicles have no headlights.

Following the decision to close the parks, police officers from the Republic of Mozambique were deployed to guard the parks, after the official park rangers were removed by court order

A witness said that the unknown men came to the park in the dead of night, but only realized that the electric fence had been vandalized this morning.

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