Venâncio Mondlane reiterates total stoppage of activities on Monday, but there will be no destruction of property

Venâncio Mondlane reitera paralisação total de actividades na segunda-feira, mas não haverá destruição de bens

The presidential candidate, Venâncio Mondlane, reiterated on Thursday (17) that a nationwide strike would take place, paralyzing all public and private activities, next Monday (21), in repudiation of the preliminary results of the General Elections that gave victory to Frelimo and its candidate, Daniel Chapo..

"We are reaffirming with all our hearts, with full lungs and conviction that Monday the whole country must go on strike. It's a peaceful strike and we're not going to destroy public or private property. It is a strike to stop economic activity. It is not a public demonstration to attack institutions. If that happens, it's out of line with what we want," said Venâncio Mondlane.

In a publication by Voice of America (VOA)The presidential candidate for the PODEMOS party reiterated this position during his visit to the city of Beira, repudiating the presence of a strong police apparatus in various streets and places of major population agglomeration to prevent any attempt to march.

Venâncio considered it absurd that this contingent of police was moving around because of their presence, giving up their duties.

"It doesn't make sense to move all the police units because of an individual who arrived in a city, totally ridiculous at a time when Beira is plagued by crimes of kidnapping, rape of women, organ trafficking and others," he said.

However, Venâncio Mondlane also assured that he is putting together notices of 25,000 tables to add to the process of protest against the results so far, which will be submitted to the Constitutional Council.


(Photo DR)

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