Contractors position themselves to work on the roads as the rainy season approaches

Empreiteiros posicionam-se para intervir nas estradas face a aproximação da época chuvosa

The National Roads Administration (ANE) is pre-positioning contractors to ensure prompt intervention on roads likely to be interrupted during the upcoming rainy season.

In a NewsAccording to the ANE, this measure takes into account the forecast for the 2024-2025 rainy and cyclonic season, which predicts the closure of at least 56 national, regional and unclassified roads in various parts of the country.

"At the moment, financial resources are being mobilized to meet the immediate intervention needs during the rainy season and, in this way, guarantee road accessibility," said the institution.

Routine maintenance activities are also being carried out, including the clearing and cleaning of drains, as well as the advance provisioning of metal bridges for areas considered critical.

In Gaza province, for example, the Mapai-Pafúi and Mapai-Antiga roads on the border with Chigubo could be affected by the rains, while in Inhambane the Mapinhane-Mabote and Furvela-Mocodoene-Funhalouro-Mabote roads are also at risk of being cut off.

In Sofala, the Mutua-Tica roads are at risk; in Tete, Moatize-Mutarara; and in Zambézia, Mopeia-Luabo-Nhacatiua; Pinda-Megaza-Chire; Zero-Morrumbala and Morrumbala-Pinda-Chire.

Meanwhile, in Nampula, the Ribáuè-Lalaua, Nataleia-Limite roads linking Zambézia province and Mucuali-Boila-Quilómetro-13; Cabo Delgado, Macomia-Oasse; and Niassa, Cuamba-Lúrio are identified as vulnerable.

This prognosis is the result of the quantitative interpretation of the National Meteorological Institute's seasonal climate forecast and the expected flows in the main river basins.

This is also due to Mozambique's geographical location and the history of damage to the network, given that 73% of the roads are earthen.

However, INAM's climate forecast predicts normal rainfall with a tendency to above normal for the provinces of Maputo, Gaza, Inhambane, Manica, Sofala, Zambézia, Tete and part of Niassa.

It also forecasts normal rainfall with a tendency to below normal for most of the provinces of Niassa, Cabo Delgado, Nampula and north-eastern Zambezia.


(Photo DR)

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