PGR opens criminal proceedings against 13 police officers

PGR abre processo-crime contra 13 agentes da polícia

Mozambique's Attorney General's Office (PGR) has opened criminal proceedings against 13 police officers in the city of Beira for torturing an alleged criminal to death.

According to PGR spokesman Joaquim Tomo, quoted by the newspaper "The Country" police officers tortured the alleged criminal, named Tomás Evaristo, until he lost his life in a police cell, which means that he died as a result of the mistreatment he suffered while in police custody.

"This case is being investigated by the PGR's Criminal Investigation Section. More officers could be charged. Other detainees, who were in the same cell as the dead man, have all been questioned. The case is still open," said the spokesman.

The source explained that the evidence so far indicates that Evaristo was beaten "in his cell, on the night of the 13th. He lost his life on the way to hospital, but the suffering was inflicted on him in the cells of the second police station in the city of Beira."

Tomo stressed that the police do not have the right to act violently against people accused of crimes. "No one is allowed to torture a citizen because of a crime. That's lynching," he said.


(Photo DR)

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