Justice Minister challenges religious denominations to refrain from attacking morality

Ministra da Justiça desafia confissões religiosas a abster-se de atentar contra a moral

The Minister of Justice and Constitutional and Religious Affairs, Helena Kida, challenged religious denominations on Thursday (26) to act constructively in society and to refrain from acts that violate ethics and morality..

Speaking in Maputa, at the opening of the seventh National Religious Conference, which aimed to reflect on peace and promote inter-religious dialogue, she argued that clear rules were needed on the actions and role of these organizations, information that should be included in the regularization process, including the philosophy and way of working with believers.

In a NewsKida recalled that these issues are included in the proposed Religious Freedom Law, and that the aim is to prevent some churches from "shouting to the heavens". "We want religions to be an example to follow; where are we going to get the morals and ethics that are being diluted?" he said, stressing that it is imperative to establish rules, because the actions of some churches do not guarantee the construction of a healthy society.

However, the source clarified that the Executive is aware of the challenges that the congregations face, but is committed to continuing to facilitate the preaching of the word of God, in order to deepen the permanent and regular dialogue, in accordance with the law.

For Kida, the conference is taking place at an important moment in the country's history, when a new cycle of governance is being born.

In addition, because the event is taking place in an election year, she asked religious leaders to take part in civic education, so that citizens can go to the polls on October 9 to exercise their right to vote or be elected.

Carolina da Silva, National Director of World Vision, a Christian non-governmental organization, made an appeal: "More than debating the issue, we need to continue to invest in consolidating the role and contribution of religion in building peace. Nothing is more urgent at a time when this national and world heritage, peace, is under threat," she said.


(Photo DR)

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