Ossufo Momade promises to build road to Morrumbala

Ossufo Momade promete construir estrada para Morrumbala

Renamo's presidential candidate, Ossufo Momade, has promised the electorate of Morrumbala, in Zambézia, to attract investment to build and rehabilitate roads, with a focus on the Zero-Morrumbala-Megaza stretch.

During the vote-hunting activities, he assured that he will create conditions for the development of commercial agriculture and allow the connection between markets and processing plants.  

Ossufo Momade also told the electorate that attracting investment to develop the region's tourism potential is one of the priorities of his government project.

He reassured the population about the allocation of a barge between PINDA and Mutarara.

In the city of Quelimane, the president of the largest opposition party promised to increase rice production and direct investments towards the tourism sector.

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