PODEMOS party promises comfortable markets and free school lunches

Partido PODEMOS promete mercados confortáveis e lanche escolar gratuito

The PODEMOS party in the city of Quelimane, capital of the central province of Zambézia, promises to create attractive and comfortable conditions for activities in the city's markets..

In yet another electoral campaign, PODEMOS, the support base for presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane, has promised to relaunch free school lunches up to elementary school if the party and its competitor for Ponta Vermelha win the elections on October 9.

In a publication by AIMDiniosio Malaposo, flirting with the electorate at the Marabo market in Quelimane, lamented the fact that the authorities only look at the markets as sources of revenue "for misuse".

The source explained that his party argues that part of the amount collected should be channelled to a local committee of vendors so that it can define priority areas that need intervention for the benefit of all.

"One of PODEMOS' challenges is to bet on human capital to boost the country's development," said Malaposo, reiterating that, in the event of victory, the government led by Venâncio Mondlane will reactivate free lunches until elementary school to ensure that pupils stay in school and equip them with multiple skills.


(Photo DR)

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