USA: Trump says it's "too late" to debate again with Kamala Harris

EUA: Trump diz que “é demasiado tarde” debater novamente com Kamala Harris

Republican candidate Donald Trump has refused a new debate with Kamala Harris, to be held before the elections, scheduled for November. The Democratic candidate for US president proposed a new debate on CNN on October 23, a few days before the elections.

"It's too late to organize a new debate. The vote has already begun," said Donald Trump, quoted by Agence France Presseat a rally in North Carolina, referring to the start of early voting on Friday in some US states.

It should be remembered that after the end of the first debate, Vice President Harris, through her campaign team, announced a statement saying that she was "ready to face Donald Trump once again on stage".

Most polls indicate that Harris dominated the debate held on September 10, constantly drawing her rival out on issues where the Republican candidate was less comfortable, in particular his international reputation.

That didn't stop Trump from claiming that, on the contrary, it was he who won the debate, while attacking the impartiality of the two ABC journalists who moderated the discussion.

However, in the middle of this month Trump said that there would be no new debate for the presidential campaign, showing himself skeptical about the advantages of a new confrontation between the two candidates.

According to the same publication, with 45 days to go, the outcome of the presidential elections remains more undecided than ever, with Donald Trump and Kamala Harris side by side in several of the seven key states where everything is likely to be decided.


(Photo DR)

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