SERNIC arrests lawyer accused of money laundering in the city of Beira

SERNIC detém advogado acusado de lavagem de dinheiro na cidade da Beira

The National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) arrested a lawyer accused of money laundering and defending Chinese nationals involved in illegal logging in the city of Beira on Thursday (19).

In a publication by Mozambique Information Agency (AIM)The SERNIC spokesman said that the arrest of the lawyer, whose name has not been released, is part of an investigation into Chinese suspected of illegal logging in the provinces of Sofala and Manica.

According to the authorities, "the Chinese accused set up 18 companies that operated without declaring their income to the tax authorities".

A Chinese man defended by this lawyer was arrested last week. His name has not been disclosed.

Another Chinese accused is on the run, and Mozambique has issued an international search warrant.


(Photo DR)

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