Vulcan under threat from hundreds of residents due to environmental pollution

Vulcan sob ameaça de centenas de moradores devido a poluição ambiental

A letter signed by more than 350 people from eight neighborhoods in Moatize, in the district of the same name in Tete province, was addressed last week (Tuesday) to the Indian-owned mining company Vulcan to resolve the air pollution issues arising from its open-cast coal mining activities.

According to the portal ZitamarThe hundreds of residents are threatening to "take all legal measures of protest" until solutions are found within thirty days.

The residents believe that air and water pollution is a violation of human rights. Evidence of the pollution was attached to the document, including photos of dust clouds "suffocating" residential areas

"We live in a completely inhospitable environment. Your extraction and mining practices are not in line with any human experience defended and protected within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights," it reads. The residents' letter notes that pollution has increased the population's risk of developing cancer and respiratory, cardiovascular and mental problems, and has destroyed the local soil and biodiversity.

The portal states that the residents' complaints are known to the local and central government, including the Attorney General's Office and the Secretary of State for Tete Province.

Vulcan responded to the letter on August 15, acknowledging that excavations since August 2 had spread pollution and promising not to carry out any more excavations in areas that directly impact communities. Vulcan also promised to reduce the size of the holes dug, cover the holes with gravel and use mulch to filter pollutants.

Representatives of the Moatize community met with government authorities on Friday.

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