Sofala: Underprivileged children in Macharote receive school kits

 Sofala: Crianças carenciadas de Macharote recebem kits escolares

Last Wednesday, a total of 500 vulnerable children from the Macharote community in Sofala's Dondo district benefited from kits of school supplies and T-shirts donated by Moza Banco.

 The action comes as part of the implementation of the program to visit the provinces for social responsibility actions and to spread financial literacy.

On this occasion, Moza's managers went to the Primary and Comprehensive School of the Macharote Accommodation Center to give a talk on the need to save and the importance of money to the thousand or so children who attend elementary school there.

Symbolically, 50 kits were handed out to the same number of children, and the rest (450 kits) will reach the community in no more than 15 days.

Accompanying the material, Moza handed out 100 children's brochures by the Central Bank, in which various basic concepts about finance are explained, with illustrations adapted for children.

According to the representative of the local authorities, António Mavila, the action could alleviate the basic needs of the children concerned, in terms of the availability of materials to facilitate the teaching and learning process.

"This is a community with a lot of needs, so all help is welcome. With this support, we're going to make life easier for those children who need it the most, since their parents are still struggling to ensure that their children have the minimum material conditions for full schooling," said Mavila.

Moza, in turn, represented by its Member of the Executive Committee (MCE), Jaime Joaquim, made it known that the Bank wants to continue helping children across the country, while encouraging good investment and savings habits.

"The material to be delivered is part of a list of around 5,000 school material kits acquired by the Bank to donate to needy children in various parts of the country, the next to be covered being the Guijá district in Gaza, where the Bank will make at least 300 kits available," said Jaime Joaquim, adding that the actions are part of a project to spread financial literacy called "Conta com o Moza".

In conclusion, Moza's CEO stressed that the Bank continues to work with government authorities to implement initiatives and projects that help reduce the vulnerability of children, with the aim of safeguarding the future of the nation.

Moza believes that only by promoting equality and fair opportunities can Mozambique become a strong nation, with more and more people making the paradigm shift happen.

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