The Constitutional Council (CC) rejected an appeal by Ossufo Momade, in which he challenged the similarity of Venâncio Mondlane's symbol in his candidacy for President of the Republic with that of Renamo.
In his appeal, the Renamo leader takes issue with the coalition and its competitor using a bird as their party and electoral symbol. He believes that such an act aims to confuse the electorate at the time of voting, which could be detrimental to Renamo.
Momade goes further and says that the action of the CAD and its candidate is deliberate and was done precisely to steal votes from Renamo and its candidate.
The Renamo leader also believes that the CAD symbol and that of the candidate Venâncio Mondlane are more recent, and that they were adopted with the aim of stealing the votes of Renamo and its candidate (...), because as we know, when you say 'vote for the bird', even if you say the species, it can be difficult to tell or identify which bird is being referred to at the time of voting".
Ossufo Momade says that it is CAD's obligation to identify a symbol that is not confused with that of another existing party, in this case Renamo. He asked the CC to change the symbol that supports the candidacy of Venâncio Mondlane and CAD itself.
Despite all these reasons, the CC decided to reject Momade's complaint, explaining that the process of verifying candidacies for the post of President of the Republic is underway.
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