Money laundering and terrorist financing can lead to fines of up to 10 million meticais

Branqueamento de capitais e financiamento ao terrorismo podem render multas até 10 milhões de meticais

On Thursday (10), the Assembly of the Republic approved a proposal to revise the Law on Preventing and Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, which provides for fines of between two and ten million meticais, applicable to financial and similar legal entities.

The fines will be between one and five million meticais in cases where the crimes were committed through the activity of a non-financial entity, explained the Minister of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs, Helena Kida.

On the other hand, financial donations to non-profit organizations must be made through bank transfers to an open account held by the beneficiary, with the necessary exceptions under the terms of the regulations.

The idea is to supervise the operations of non-governmental organizations, financial institutions, insurance companies, companies in the real estate and automobile sectors and gem and precious stone companies, according to the News.

For example, non-profit organizations should keep detailed records of donations and other contributions made by national or international organizations.

This organization of records should enable the conformity between the purpose of the donation and the activity carried out with the donation to be established when the records are requested by legal entities.

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