INGD Prepares for Rainy and Cyclonic Season

INGD prepara-se para época chuvosa e ciclónica

The National Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (INGD) is already working with communities nationwide on mitigating the impact of disasters, especially loss of life, in the upcoming rainy season.

Capacity building is currently underway for district and local disaster risk management committees, which in turn will work with communities, sensitizing them to leave areas prone to flooding and other extreme events.

In this context, exercises were held last Friday in the Umbelúzi river, in the district of Namaacha, Maputo province, to simulate first aid in the event of heavy rains, and were marked by the presence of a delegation from the United Nations visiting the country.

On the occasion, the president of the INGD, Luísa Meque, mentioned to the newspaper Notícias, that this type of exercise is extremely important because the committees need to reactivate the techniques used to save lives.

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