The National Union for Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) filed, this Tuesday (13.09), before the Constitutional Court an extraordinary appeal of unconstitutionality against the decision to reject the appeal of electoral litigation of the largest party of the Angolan opposition, with suspensive effects of the same.
According to a document that Lusa had access to, which requests the declaration of unconstitutionality of the TC's decision 679/22, in the Electoral Court's clothing, a series of proofs were not appreciated nor did the Angolan Constitution take into account, being that "the State's acts are only valid if they conform to the Constitution.
He also stresses that, in the last elections, UNITA has always complained that the CNE creates difficulties in the application of the law regarding the delivery of copies of the minutes, and that it has advocated placing photocopiers at each polling station and stamping the minutes so that they can be read.
"Therefore, the Constitutional Court was partial in not inquiring why the appellant's summary minutes provided by the CNE were unintelligible, nor even requiring a comparison between them and the original minutes in the CNE's custody," the same document emphasizes.
For UNITA, the Constitutional Court, by not having appreciated its evidence, comparing it to the minutes of the CNE reveals that "there is a clear denial of justice and the right to a fair trial according to the law was violated.
The appeal was filed, this Tuesday, at the TC, on the eve of the inauguration of the reelected President, João Lourenço, which is scheduled for September 15 (NM).
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