Neutrality in the Russia-Ukraine conflict does not compromise the country's elections

Neutralidade no conflito Rússia-Ucrânia não compromete eleição do país

Mozambique's neutrality in relation to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will not compromise the country's election as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council at the General Assembly to be held on the 9th of this month at the organization's headquarters in New York.

The special envoy for Mozambique's candidacy to the body, Leonardo Simão, who spoke Thursday to Mozambican journalists in New York, explained that it is an "active neutrality" that is being properly explained and increasingly understood by the various countries.

"Our position does not mean indifference. It means that it advocates a negotiated solution to the conflict. This position is not only being increasingly understood, but also several countries, including the permanent members of the UN Security Council, are advocating this as a solution to the conflict," he explained, quoted by Jornal Notícias.

According to the source, the former foreign minister thus rules out the possibility of a veto by the permanent members on the country's election to the body that oversees the maintenance of international peace and security, justifying that, otherwise, there would have been signals to that effect during the candidacy campaign. On the contrary, we can see support for our claim from everyone.

The diplomat says that there is great expectation about Mozambique's performance in the body, especially by countries that have conflicts themselves or in their regions, which expect solutions, taking into account the long experience that the country has in solving these problems.

In this final moment of the campaign, Simon said he is seeking to ensure that the support shown since the launch of the race on September 16 last year will be realized in a favorable vote next Thursday, June 9, when the 193 members of the United Nations choose the five members for the rotating seat for the period 2023-2024.

It should be noted that in addition to Mozambique, Ecuador, Malta, Japan, and Switzerland are running this year as non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, all endorsed by their respective countries.

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