Three more administrative posts will be illuminated on the national grid electricity base by 2023 in the province of Manica. These are the administrative posts of Save, in Machaze district, Chiurairwe, in Mossurize, and Mandie, in Guro.
The announcement was made this Thursday in Chimoio, by the director of the company Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) customer services area, Silvia Guambe. She explained that the electrification of these administrative posts is part of the Energy for All program, which aims at universal access to the resource by 2030.
"At this moment studies are being carried out to make the project viable. In this province we currently have 36 administrative posts still without electric energy from the national network. The goal is to expand the energy to all administrative posts. We want that until 2030 the whole province is illuminated through the national network", said Guambe quoted by Notícias.
"By the end of next year these three regions will be lit because it is a priority to connect the administrative posts to the national grid. Nhamassonge, in Guro, and Mavonde (Manica) will follow", she added. In addition to this activity, Sílvia Guambe explained that EDM will continue to consolidate the expansion, throughout this year, making new connections.
"The company's challenge for 2022 is to expand the power grid to other regions and neighborhoods, especially in cities and towns, as part of fulfilling the government's Five-Year Program, towards universal access to electricity," he said. The reduction of losses due to electricity theft is also on the list of the company's priorities, according to the source, who did not quantify the amounts involved.
"There are records of electricity theft all over the province. The surveillance and combat of these practices is another priority for us. To this end, we work with other government institutions and communities," said Silvia Guambe, at a press conference on the action plan for this year.
"We have had good results and gradually the cases of power loss are reducing. We also want to improve the existing infrastructure because, as you know, part of the network is quite old. So these are interconnected activities. So we talked about the expansion of power and also the improvement of the grid," he added.
In Manica province, all districts are illuminated, through the national grid. Part of the administrative posts are also electrified, some through the national grid and others based on generator sets. Until last November, Manica had 154.850 clients connected to the national electrical grid.