Maputo and Incomati River flows record alert levels

The flow of the Maputo and Incomati rivers, in the southern part of the country, is registering, in recent days, a significant increase, which is putting the riverside communities on alert.

According to the National Directorate of Water Resources Management, the population should observe precautionary measures, avoiding approaching the lowlands of those watersheds.

Agostinho Vilanculos, head of the Hydrographic Basins Management Department, explained that the Maputo River registered an increase in the speed of the waters and their flow, with passages of between 100 and 200 cubic meters per second.

According to Vilanculos, although that watershed can hold up to six thousand cubic meters in a normal flood situation, the current level of the flow is starting to put people on alert.

However, the weekly newspaper "Domingo", revealed that the alert situation also occurred at the end of last week in the Incomati River basin whose increased flow was due to discharges recorded in two dams located on South African territory that reached storage levels of around 100%. At the time, the Incomati basin recorded a peak of approximately 400 cubic meters per second due to the high discharge experienced upstream.

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