Fire Detection is an intelligent solution, based on Minsait's Onesait Phygital Edge platform, that uses towers and power lines as surveillance posts.
This is a project developed jointly by UFD, Spain's third largest electricity distribution operator from the Naturgy group, and Minsait, an Indra technology company.
The solution contains a configuration that allows 360° monitoring of the forest zone to detect possible fires in seconds, even in hard-to-reach areas.
"The system analyzes and extracts real-time information from the images taken from the cameras, and transmits an alert to the control center with the camera ID, the orientation in which it was taken, the image, and the highlighted detection area," the project researchers tell.
The device runs on solar energy, storing it to ensure 24-hour operation every day of the year. In addition, it has control software that allows the system to go into sleep mode after each operation to minimize energy use. IoT sensors help reduce "false positives" and optimize stored energy resources by measuring temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure to avoid capturing images in weather conditions incompatible with fire risk and improve their capture when there is a high risk of fire.
Fire Detection is now winner in the "Predictive Maintenance" category of the 9th edition of the enerTIC Awards, a competition organized by the enerTIC Platform that aims to identify, reward, and publicize success stories and innovative best practices that serve as references in the field of digitalization, energy efficiency, and sustainability.