Animal health control provides an increase in the cattle herd in northern Gaza

The northern region of Gaza province, especially the district of Mapai, has seen an increase in the number of cattle thanks to the regular vaccination of animals against foot-and-mouth disease, anthrax and anthrax, which frees them from various diseasess.

In the last two years, according to the Director of the District Service of Economic Activities of Mapai, Boaventura Camisa, the herd increased from 35 thousand to 46 thousand animals.

According to the head of Mapai's economic activities, the availability of pasture has also driven the growth in cattle numbers and beyond.

"The breeders in the region are already improving their animals, with the introduction of the Brahman breed," said Boaventura Camisa.

Meanwhile, the source also mentioned that the cattle herd, at this time, exceeds the number of the district's population, which is more than 22 thousand inhabitants.

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