UN says human action against planet delays development

The first part of the 15th United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity opened this Monday in the city of Kunming, southeast China

The United Nations reports that human action against the planet affects the most vulnerable. The effects include increased inequality and delayed development. The event wants to set targets to halt biodiversity loss by 2030.

The global conference will discuss the development of the global biodiversity framework post-2020.

United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed said that to check biodiversity loss there is no need to look at headlines, but out the window.

Amina Mohammed called for transformative action immediately to save nature and people.   

Until Friday, the event will be held in hybrid form under the theme "Ecological Civilization: Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth. 

The event seeks commitment from leaders and other participants to resume this "relationship" and produce a proposal in favor of biodiversity. 

This week's first meeting has most delegates presenting virtually. The organizers expect the second phase, starting in April of next year, to be face-to-face.  

According to Elizabeth Mrema, secretary general of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, the COP advocates that the event should result in a "Paris Agreement for nature," which would be crucial to stemming the global species loss crisis.  

The data released by the convention highlights that there are 1 million species at risk of extinction due to human activity.  

Source UN News

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