Tag: sell

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ERG pondera vender seus activos em Moçambique

ERG considers selling its assets in Mozambique

The CEO of Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) revealed on Monday that the mining company intends to sell its assets in Mozambique as a reform measure to reduce costs at the cobalt and chrome producer. "The market is very, very bad and depressed. I think it's going to stay that way for the next two to three years," said Nicolas Treand,...

Disputa judicial congela acordo milionário de sobre venda de mina de carvão de Revuboè

Court dispute freezes million-dollar Revuboè coal mine sale deal

A court case taking place on national territory has led to the freezing of a million-dollar deal in which Indian steelmaker JSW Steel, owned by billionaire Sajjan Jindal, intends to acquire the estate of Australian maganta Ken Talbot, who died 14 years ago. The deal is over the lease of the coal mine in Revuboè (MoR), in the province of...

Cabo Delgado/Pemba: Detido cidadão por venda ilegal de arma

Cabo Delgado/Pemba: Citizen arrested for illegal sale of weapon

A citizen was arrested on Wednesday last week for attempting to sell a firearm illegally in the vicinity of Pemba, the capital of Cabo Delgado. The Police of the Republic of Mozambique caught him trying to sell two pistols. It is suspected that the citizen has some kind of link with the...

Detido casal por tentar vender três crianças, incluindo dois filhos

Couple arrested for trying to sell three children, including two sons

The National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) arrested a couple in the Vieira neighborhood of Nampula province who are accused of trying to sell three children, including their two sons, one eight years old and the other one and a half years old. The other child, aged seven, was kidnapped by the couple's wife on 20...

Detido funcionário do STAE por venda de cartões de eleitor

STAE employee arrested for selling voter registration cards

The head of the Secretariat of the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE) in Nampula district is facing charges for selling voter registration cards to a mobile phone company. The 31-year-old is part of a group of 27 citizens, including a Vodacom employee,...

“Testa de ferro” de Manuel Chang vende imóvel ao Estado por mais de 260 milhões de meticais, segundo o CDD

Manuel Chang's "iron man" sells property to the state for more than 260 million meticais, according to CDD

Ingilo Dalsuco, the son-in-law of former Finance Minister Manuel Chang - detained since last year in the United States of America (USA), where he is facing trial in connection with the hidden debts scandal - continues to sell property to the state. In February 2024, the Inhambane Provincial Directorate of Planning and Finance launched the...

Vendida mais de uma tonelada de ouro de Tete para o Dubai  

Over a ton of gold sold from Tete to Dubai  

Mining company MMC Resources has sold more than a ton of gold extracted from the Cassossole mine in Kassupe, Macanga district, Tete province, to Dubai since it began operations in 2018. The Cassossole mine is considered to be the largest underground deposit in the country, with around...


Galp to sell half stake in Namibian oil well

Portugal's Galp is to put up for sale 40% of its stake in the exploration block off Namibia, where it recently made a major oil discovery. According to the international press, the information was provided by anonymous sources who were not authorized to speak to the media. Galp holds a stake of 80% and...

​Justiça confirma venda de nacionalidade moçambicana a cidadãos turcos

Court confirms sale of Mozambican nationality to Turkish citizens

A commission made up of members of the Ministries of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs (MJACR), the Interior and Foreign Affairs and Cooperation has confirmed that three Turkish citizens were sold Mozambican nationality by officials from the National Directorate of Civil Identification (DNIC). It should be remembered that this case of fraudulent granting of Mozambican nationality to foreign citizens was...