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Lista cinzenta: Moçambique garante estar a trabalhar para cumprir as recomendações do GAFI

Grey list: Mozambique says it is working to comply with FATF recommendations

The Mozambican government assures that it is working to comply with recommendation number 8 and its own immediate result regarding Non-Profit Organizations suspected of financing terrorism, an activity that the country needs to get off the Financial Action Task Force's (FATF) grey list. According to the national coordinator of the Executive Committee for...

Poluição ambiental: Vulcan diz estar a funcionar dentro do padrão recomendado

Environmental pollution: Vulcan says it is operating within the recommended standard

After several complaints from Moatize residents about air pollution resulting from the activities of the Vulcan mining company, the Indian company Vulcan went public this Thursday to guarantee that it was operating within the recommended standards. According to the newspaper "O País", the Indian concessionaire explained that the intensity of the dust that...

Buchili: “Moçambique está cumprir com as recomendações da GAFI para sair da Lista cinzenta”

Buchili: "Mozambique is complying with FATF recommendations to get off the Gray List"

The Attorney General of the Republic, Beatriz Buchili, said on Wednesday that the Public Prosecutor's Office is complying with the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which in October last year placed Mozambique on the Grey List and under enhanced surveillance. "The placement of Mozambique under enhanced surveillance aims, among other things, to ensure that the...

ONG sugere alternativas para Governo responder à incapacidade de endividamento interno

NGO suggests alternatives for government to respond to domestic debt distress

The domestic debt capacity is exhausted, having reached 99.8% of its capacity, the spokesman for the Council of Ministers, Filimão Suazi, said recently (08.08.2023) after the 28th Session of the Executive. At the time, he said that in order to meet the country's financial needs, the government would resort to the usual strategies, namely raising revenue. However, the...


TotalEnergies reveals recommendations of the independent report on human rights in Cabo Delgado

TotalEnergies' independent report confirms an improvement in the humanitarian situation in Cabo Delgado province, particularly with the return of people displaced by the conflict to the town of Palma and, to a lesser extent, to the town of Mocímboa da Praia. The report evaluated the humanitarian operations and socio-economic development programs carried out by...

Moçambique falhou em 80% de recomendações do sector financeiro contra branqueamento de capitais

Mozambique fails 80% financial sector recommendations against money laundering

The Mozambican state has failed in 80% of the international recommendations made by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) against money laundering and terrorism financing, says the non-governmental organization (NGO) Center for Public Integrity (CIP). "By May 2022, Mozambique had complied with only eight of the FATF's 40 recommendations, which corresponds to only 20%," reports the...