Tag: Gross Domestic Product

Home " Gross Domestic Product
Moçambique cresceu 5,1% no ano passado

Mozambique grew by 5.1% last year

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, said yesterday that Mozambique had recorded economic growth of 5.1% in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2023, with "the expectation of achieving a positive variation of 5.5%" this year. According to Nyusi, the trend is driven by growth in the extractive sector, estimated at 15.5%, after having registered a rise...


Public debt rose to 13 billion in 1st quarter

The stock of Mozambican public debt rose in the first quarter of this year to the equivalent of 14,370 million dollars, according to data from the Ministry of Economy and Finance consulted today by Lusa. This is an increase equivalent to 5.4% compared to the previous period, according to the same official government data. The domestic debt stock...

Aumento de preço do petróleo pode reduzir PIB da zona euro em 1,5%

Rising Oil Prices May Reduce Eurozone GDP by 1.5%

According to a study by Norwegian economist Hilde C. Bjørnland, European countries are among those that are most negatively affected globally due to dependence on oil and gas in production and consumption. The study, which is cited by Noticias ao Minuto, was presented by the author during the morning of the first...


Find out which are the 10 best countries to invest in Africa according to Africa Business Insider

The Africa Business Insider has published an article in which it points out the top 10 best countries to invest in the African continent in 2022 using as main criterion the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). According to Africa Business Insider the list is headed by Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa and one of the largest...


State Budget for 2022 with a 156.7 billion deficit

Government says that the State Budget for 2022 will have a deficit of 156.7 billion Meticais, which represents 13.9% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This gap will be covered by external grants amounting to 86.9 billion Meticais and by external credits valued at 11.7 billion Meticais. Another source of funding for the...


Public Debt Exceeds State Capacity, TA

The Administrative Court (TA) said today that Mozambique's public debt has exceeded unsustainability levels, i.e. it is above the limits designed, imposing limitations on new borrowing. In total, the national public debt was around 948.7 billion meticais in 2020. The TA presented its opinion to the General Account of the...


Mozambique has the third highest debt level in Sub-Saharan Africa

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that Mozambique's debt to international creditors will reach 133.6% of gross domestic product (GDP) this year, and with this it becomes the country with the third highest debt-to-GDP ratio in sub-Saharan Africa. According to sources that advance the information citing Bloomberg, Mozambique has waived the restructuring of the...