Tag: Nampula

Home " Nampula
Nampula: Partido PODEMOS acusa a polícia de ter morto mais de 60 pessoas

Nampula: PODEMOS party accuses police of killing more than 60 people

The Optimist Party for the Development of Mozambique (PODEMOS), which supports the presidential candidacy of Venâncio Mondlane, accuses the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) of fatally shooting 64 people in the northern province of Nampula during demonstrations that have been taking place since October 21. Speaking yesterday, Thursday (19), the...

Detidos indivíduos que incendiaram posto da PRM e centro de saúde em Nampula

Arrested individuals who set fire to PRM post and health center in Nampula

The governor of Nampula province, Manuel Rodrigues, announced yesterday, Tuesday (17), that the suspects who set fire to a police station and a health center in the district of Mogovolas have already been identified and are in custody. The incidents took place at the beginning of this month, when a group of unidentified individuals set fire to the two infrastructures....

Nampula: Antigo director, sua esposa e filhos acusados de alienação ilegal de imóveis do Estado

Nampula: Former director, his wife and children accused of illegally disposing of state property

The Nampula Provincial Office for Combating Corruption (GPCCN) yesterday arrested the former director of the Provincial Infrastructure Services, Gil de Carvalho, on charges of illegally selling state property to private individuals, mainly his immediate family members. Also accused in the case are his wife, son, brother-in-law and...

Nampula: Detidos servidores públicos por corrupção

Nampula: Public servants arrested for corruption

The Office for Combating Corruption (GCC) in Nampula province has ordered the arrest of 13 public servants, four of whom in flagrante delicto. The information was provided last week by the provincial director of the GCC, Emília Ferrão, on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day, celebrated on December 9, according to the publication...

“Chido” mata 15 pessoas em Cabo Delgado e Nampula

"Chido" kills 15 people in Cabo Delgado and Nampula

At least 15 people lost their lives due to tropical cyclone "Chido", which this Sunday (15) hit some districts in the provinces of Cabo Delgado and Nampula, in the north of the country, the Mozambican authorities said. Of these deaths, 12 occurred in Cabo Delgado. The figures were updated this Monday (16) in Memba, Nampula province, by the president of the...

Nampula: PR alerta para possível presença e acção terrorista no distrito de Mogovolas

Nampula: PR warns of possible terrorist presence and action in Mogovolas district

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, today warned of the possibility that Nampula province is currently under terrorist attack in at least one district. He believes that yesterday's destruction of the Cholera Treatment Center in the district of Mogovolas, in that province, is tantamount to terrorist acts. Mogovolas is the only district in...

Ciclone Chido entra no norte do país a partir de hoje

Cyclone Chido enters the north of the country from today

The National Meteorological Institute (INAM) is forecasting strong winds, thunderstorms and very heavy rain in the provinces of Cabo Delgado and Nampula, as a result of tropical cyclone Chido. INAM warns that in the last few hours the phenomenon could evolve into an intense tropical cyclone, with the north of the country being the...

Nampula: Manifestações forçam cancelamento de celebração de matrimónios

Nampula: Demonstrations force cancellation of marriage celebrations

In Nampula province, the demonstrations taking place in the country are forcing the cancellation of an average of five marriage celebrations a week, for fear of physical attacks. The registrar of the Civil Registry and Notary Office in Nampula, Farida Fernando, said this Monday, quoted by Rádio Moçambique, that at the moment marriages are being...

Nampula: Falta de chuva está a agravar a crise de água

Nampula: Lack of rain is aggravating the water crisis

The technical administrator of Águas da Região Norte (AdRN), Capitine Ernesto, explained that the reservoir of the Nampula dam, on the Monapo River, is at such a low level that a plan has been put in place to restrict supply to the city. Currently, the supply to the city stands at 30%. Built in the 1960s,...