Tag: Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH)

Ministério da Educação inicia a revisão de 86 livros escolares

Ministry of Education begins review of 86 textbooks

The Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH) has started the scientific, linguistic and didactic revision of textbooks for the primary and secondary education subsystems, according to the Minister in charge. According to Namashulua, 20 elementary school textbooks are under review while the remaining 66 belong to the general secondary school subsystem....

Luísa Diogo questiona liderança do Ministério da Educação. “Eu ensino a liderança aos ministros de todo mundo”

Luísa Diogo questions leadership of the Ministry of Education. "I teach leadership to the ministers of everyone"

Economist, former Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Finance, Luísa Diogo, questions the competence of the current leadership of the Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH) over the errors in elementary school textbooks. "This is about leadership. One cannot understand those mistakes," the Frelimo party member said in a...


MINEDH partners suspend financing for school reconstruction

The high number of paralyzed school construction works in Sofala province has led some partners of the Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH) to withdraw funding. More organizations are threatening to stop supporting the reconstruction of school infrastructure, according to the governor of Sofala, Lourenço Bulha, during the II Provincial Planning Meeting...

CDD pede demissão da Ministra da Educação

CDD calls for resignation of the Minister of Education

Recent cases of errors in sixth grade textbooks have prompted the Center for Democracy and Development (CDD) this Friday to call for the resignation of Education Minister Carmelita Namashulua. "In the realm of political accountability, the Minister of Education and Human Development, Carmelita Namashulua, should put her seat up for grabs," writes...


Four out of 100 children cannot read and write

In Mozambique, four out of every 100 children in the third grade of general education do not know how to read and write, a figure that corresponds to 4.5 percent. This is one of the conclusions of a study commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH), which will be released at the World Summit on Education, to be held in...

Ministra da Educação suspende Director do INDE, Conselho de Avaliação e porta-voz do MINEDH

Minister of Education Suspends INDE Director, Evaluation Council and MINEDH Spokesman

The Minister of Education and Human Development, Carmelita Namashulua, yesterday had the Director of the National Institute for the Development of Education (INDE), Ismael Nhaze, suspended due to errors in the Social Sciences textbook for the sixth grade of elementary school. Also suspended was the entire Board of Evaluation of Schoolbooks and the spokesperson of the...


Commission to investigate cause of errors in primary sixth grade textbooks

The Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH) has announced the creation of a commission of inquiry to ascertain responsibilities for the errors committed in the 6th grade Social Sciences textbook, which were due to arrive in schools as of today. The information was shared yesterday in Maputo by the MINEDH spokesperson, Gina Guibunda, in a press conference...