Tag: Fraud

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Matola: GCCC arquiva caso de fraude milionária em concurso público

Matola: GCCC closes case of millionaire fraud in public tender

The Central Office for Combating Corruption (GCCC) has concluded that there was no crime in the Matola City Council's award of a public tender to MCNET & AXIS SOLUTIONS. After investigations, the GCCC closed the case. The tender was for the Design, Development and Operationalization of an Integrated Municipal Management System (SIGEM). O...

Consórcio eleitoral diz que a Lei Eleitoral favorece a Frelimo

Electoral consortium says electoral law favors Frelimo

The electoral consortium, Mais Integridade, says that the Electoral Law and its judicial system are biased in favor of the ruling Frelimo party. This conclusion follows the discovery of irregularities during the repeat vote for local elections in Marromeu, in Sofala province. The Mais Integridade observers concluded that the irregularities...

Eleições autárquicas: Já há detidos por tentativa de fraude e tumultos em Gurué

Local elections: Arrests for attempted fraud and riots in Gurué

Of the four detainees, one was caught with pre-filled ballot papers and the other three were involved in popular unrest during the voting process. The information was provided this morning (11.12) by Sala da Paz Observers, who quoted a permanent officer from the Gurué District Command. According to the source quoted, the...

Eleições Autárquicas/Marromeu: Agente da PRM revela ordem da Frelimo para cometer fraude eleitoral

Municipal elections/Marromeu: PRM agent reveals Frelimo order to commit electoral fraud

A police officer from the Republic of Mozambique, resident and registered in the city of Beira, in Sofala, was assigned to work in Marromeu, where he unsuccessfully tried to vote. He said that he had been authorized by the Frelimo party leadership to commit the electoral offence, according to the Electoral Bulletin of the Centre for Public Integrity. Still in Marromeu,...

Venâncio Mondlane diz que solicitação de actas e editais pelo CC vai provar que os resultados eleitorais foram adulterados

Venâncio Mondlane says the CC's request for minutes and public notices will prove that the election results were tampered with

Renamo's list leader for Maputo city, Venâncio Mondlane, says he is convinced that with the request for minutes and public notices by the Constitutional Council (CC), electoral fraud can be proven. "Our focus now is to request, to recommend to the CC to ask the Frelimo party to present minutes and public notices," he said...