Tag: human rights

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CDD: “Situação dos direitos humanos deteriorou no último trimestre de 2023”

CDD: "Human rights situation deteriorated in the last quarter of 2023"

The Center for Democracy and Development (CDD), a Mozambican non-governmental organization, considers in its two reports that the human rights situation deteriorated in the last quarter of 2023, pointing to the Mozambican state, through the forces of law and order, as the main violator. "The fourth quarter was the scene of successive human rights violations (...)...

Eleições autárquicas: Rede Moçambicana de Defensores dos Direitos Humanos denuncia mortes de manifestantes

Local elections: Mozambican Network of Human Rights Defenders denounces killings of demonstrators

The Mozambican Network of Human Rights Defenders has denounced that at least 27 people have been killed by the police in the northern province of Nampula as part of the post-election violence. Adriano Nuvunga, president of the organization, denounced on Wednesday the killing by the police of nearly three dozen people in Nampula province, in northern Mozambique....

“Autoridades não souberam lidar com eleições autárquicas”, -constata Comissão dos Direitos Humanos

"Authorities didn't know how to deal with local elections," says Human Rights Commission

The illegal acts and irregularities detected during the sixth local elections on October 11 revealed the electoral bodies' weak capacity to deal with the process, according to the National Human Rights Commission. This conclusion results from the observation and analysis carried out on the local elections in the country, explained Luís Bitone, president of the Commission...


PR wants massification of water in the light of human rights

The President of the Republic called on the managers of the water supply system to embrace the activity of supplying the precious liquid without looking only at profits, but also at the useful life of the infrastructure and, consequently, the benefit of the population, which is the reason for the investment. "We need to look at...

Ordem dos Advogados denuncia excesso de prisão preventiva é uma violação dos direitos humanos

Bar Association denounces excessive pre-trial detention as a violation of human rights

The Mozambican Bar Association (OAM) is warning about the failure to comply with the time limit for pre-trial detention, considering that this constitutes a serious violation of the human rights of prisoners and aggravates the problem of overcrowding in Mozambican jails. The complaint was made by OAM's president, who believes that "failure to comply with the...

Deputados: “Combate ao branqueamento de capitais não deve ser feito à custa dos direitos humanos”

MEPs: "Fighting money laundering must not be done at the expense of human rights"

Deputies from the three benches of the Assembly of the Republic (AR) warned on Thursday that preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing should not be done at the expense of fundamental rights. These were the MPs from Frelimo, Renamo and the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), who were speaking during the approval...

Secretário-Executivo da CPLP está em Moçambique para discutir direitos humanos

CPLP Executive Secretary is in Mozambique to discuss human rights

The Executive Secretary of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), Zacarias da Costa, arrived and met yesterday with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Verónica Macamo, as part of the global event on human rights in the community, which kicks off on Wednesday in Maputo. The visit will last until Saturday, and he is due to take part in the conference called "Event...