Tag: human rights

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Diretor Executivo do MISA fala hoje sobre Direitos Humanos no Parlamento Europeu

MISA Executive Director speaks today on Human Rights in the European Parliament

The Executive Director of MISA Mozambique, Ernesto Nhanale, is taking part this Tuesday, January 28, 2025, in a session of the European Parliament that is expected to address the Human Rights Situation in Mozambique in the Post-Electoral context. At the event organized by the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Human Rights, Ernesto Nhanale will speak about the challenges facing...

Com 128 mortos, Moçambique vive uma das piores crises de Direitos Humanos – CDD

With 128 dead, Mozambique is experiencing one of the worst human rights crises - CDD

The Center for Democracy and Human Development (CDD) says that Mozambique is currently experiencing one of the worst human rights crises since the birth of multiparty democracy in 1994. The country has been experiencing post-election protests since October 21 and to date there have been around 128 deaths, including civilians (the majority) and...

Amnistia Internacional apela ao Governo moçambicano para acabar com violência de Direitos Humanos

Amnesty International calls on the Mozambican government to end human rights violence

Amnesty International is calling on the Mozambican government to end the "violent and widespread repression" of human rights, and points out that international law prohibits the deployment of military personnel to police protests. Since October 21, Mozambique has been plunged into a crisis of demonstrations in which dozens of people have died and hundreds have been injured in the post-election protests. The violence continues,...

PODEMOS submete processos contra Filipe Nyusi no TPI por violação de direitos humanos

PODEMOS submits cases against Filipe Nyusi to the ICC for human rights violations

The Optimist Party for the Development of Mozambique (PODEMOS) has filed lawsuits against the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, and the Mozambican government at the International Criminal Court (ICC) and other international bodies, accusing them of human rights violations. The main reason for the legal action is "the violence perpetrated by the police against demonstrators" in the recent protests in...

Nações Unidas  pedem fim de violência e repressão pós-eleitoral em Moçambique

United Nations calls for an end to post-election violence and repression in Mozambique

A group of United Nations (UN) human rights experts called on Friday for an immediate end to the violence and repression of journalists, lawyers and demonstrators in Mozambique. The group is calling for urgent measures to be taken by the Mozambican government so that those responsible for the violence are investigated and prosecuted. "The violations of the right...

Médicos moçambicanos anunciam marcha pela saúde e pelos direitos humanos

Mozambican doctors announce march for health and human rights

The Mozambican medical profession has announced a national strike tomorrow, Tuesday (05), protesting against the violation of human rights and health. According to a source linked to the Mozambican medical profession, he told MZNews that the protests in the city of Maputo are expected to start at the Maputo Central Hospital (HCM)...

Federação Internacional de Direitos Humanos denunciam 11 mortos durante os protestos em Moçambique

International Federation for Human Rights denounces 11 killed during protests in Mozambique

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), based in Paris, and the Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD), in Maputo, say that the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) have killed 11 citizens, according to CDD monitors, and committed numerous other human rights violations. "Mozambique is facing serious violations of...

Bloco 4 Foundation lança colectânea “Crónicas Eleitorais e Direitos Humanos em Moçambique”

Bloco 4 Foundation launches collection "Electoral Chronicles and Human Rights in Mozambique"

The book "Crónicas Eleitorais e Direitos Humanos em Moçambique" (Electoral Chronicles and Human Rights in Mozambique) is a collection of ten texts that deal with the electoral scenario in the country, highlighting the human rights violations carried out, for the most part, by the police during the polls. The digital book, to be launched next Wednesday (04) in Maputo by the Bloco 4 Foundation, is...