Tag: Autoridade Tributária (AT)

Home " Autoridade Tributária (AT)
AT desconhece motivações para detenção de um funcionário da instituição em Nampula

AT does not know the motives behind the arrest of an employee of the institution in Nampula

The spokesman for Mozambique's Tax Authority (AT), Fernando Tinga, said yesterday in Boane, Maputo province, that the motives behind the "illegal" arrest of a tax official in the city of Nampula are still unknown. Without specifying, Tinga told journalists that there are two versions of the arrest that has had widespread repercussions across the country....

AT apreende mais de 200 viaturas por fuga ao fisco

AT seizes more than 200 vehicles for tax evasion

The Tax Authority (AT) has seized more than 200 vehicles, both luxury and poorly maintained, which were circulating illegally in Maputo city. Most of the cars seized for regularization bear luxury license plates. They were circulating in national territory without having been issued with a vehicle import license. "Others were even circulating...


More than 3,000 companies declare bankruptcy between 2018 and 2022

The President of the Tax Authority (AT) recently revealed in Maputo that 3131 companies in the country declared bankruptcy between 2018 and 2022. This was due to economic, fiscal and legal factors, according to Amélia Muendane, quoted by Notícias. The situation affected companies in the construction, mining, tourism, general commerce, catering, service provision and transportation of goods....

AT promete desmantelar rede de contrabando de rubis em Cabo Delgado

AT promises to dismantle ruby smuggling network in Cabo Delgado

The provincial Tax Authority in Cabo Delgado promises to dismantle the networks smuggling rubies out of the country. The institution's delegate revealed that the smuggling begins in the district of Montepuez. There, the stone is sold illegally and then taken to Nampula province. It is from the borders of...

AT suspende inspecção e fiscalização  ao comércio

AT suspends inspection and monitoring of trade

Inspections, inspections and audits of commercial establishments have been suspended indefinitely, the Tax Authority (AT) announced on Tuesday. The measure follows abnormal cases, such as the duplication of procedures, in some situations, in a short space of time, by two or more teams with the same objective, according to Notícias.....


After all, who are Mozambique's millionaires? Do they fulfill their tax obligations?

The Center for Democracy and Development (CDD) suggests that the Tax Authority (AT) focus its tax collection actions on the growing class of Mozambican millionaires. The government is recommended to create a millionaires' enforcement unit to broaden the national tax base. Mozambique was recently named the 16th African country with the most...