Tag: Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC)

Home " Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC)
INCM não demonstra evidências de concorrência desleal entre Tmcel, Vodacom e Movitel

INCM shows no evidence of unfair competition between Tmcel, Vodacom and Movitel

INCM resorts to strategy of not specifying legal bases for imposing new tariffs INCM presents no evidence of anti-competitive tariff practices between the three telephone operators in the country The Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC) says that the National Communications Institute of Mozambique (INCM) is acting irregularly within its...

Preços de comunicação: ARC procura razões dos agravamentos das tarifas

Communication prices: ARC seeks reasons for tariff increases

The Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC) is working with mobile phone operators to ascertain the reasons for the increase in the price of communication tariffs in the country. Recently, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ARC, Iacumba Ali, said that the ongoing work aims to determine the causes more precisely. "We are...


Driving schools prevented from raising license prices

The Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC) ordered the suspension, with immediate effect, of the purpose of fixing new prices for the acquisition of driving licenses that had been established by the Association of Driving Schools of Mozambique (AECOMO). AECOMO communicated earlier this year the entry into force of new prices for driving licenses with...


CFAO Motors fined more than 41 million meticais

CFAO Motors Mozambique, Lda was fined more than 41 million meticais by the Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC) for having carried out a concentration operation without prior notification. According to a source CFAO Motors conducted several transactions at the same time, including the acquisition of 98% of the share capital...


The price of the Driver's License is up to each school

The Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC) said today that the determination of prices for obtaining a driver's license is up to each school within its commercial freedom. Reacting to the new price list set by the Association of Driving Schools of Mozambique (AECOMO), the PCA of ARC, Iacumba Ali, said that each driving school...