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Medidas de alívio económico: CTA quer garantias antes de recomeço de actividades

Economic relief measures: CTA wants guarantees before resuming activities

The President of the Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA) said on Tuesday that there need to be guarantees before the private sector begins its activities, as the demonstrations continue. Agostinho Vuma was reacting to the measures adopted by the government to ease the financial pressure on small and medium-sized businesses, which suffered during the peak of the demonstrations....

Transportadores paralisam actividades na Av. Julius Nyerere

Transport workers paralyze activities on Julius Nyerere Avenue

Traffic has been restricted since the early hours of the day on the stretch of Avenida Julius Nyerere in Maputo City, due to the stoppage of passenger transport activity. The transporters are demanding that the road be improved on the stretch between Praça da Juventude, in the Magoanine neighborhood, and Praça dos Combatentes, in Xiquelene. It's the...

Funcionários da AT paralisam actividades e exigem revisão salarial

AT employees stop work and demand salary review

Officials from the Tax Authority (AT) have been on strike since today, demanding that their salaries be brought into line with those of technicians in similar categories. According to the class, there are processes that were already underway, but whose fate was no longer known when the Single Salary Table (TSU) was implemented. They say they have already sought the reasons for...

Motoristas da Yango paralisam actividades e exigem aumento dos preços das viagens

Yango drivers stop work and demand an increase in travel prices

Dozens of app-based cab drivers, in this case those affiliated to Yango, stopped their activities today in Maputo, demanding better working conditions, accusing the 'bosses' of arrogance and considering migrating to other apps. They made their demands in the vicinity of the company's offices, on Avenida Marginal, in the Costa do Sol neighborhood....

Funcionários da saúde paralisam actividades no maior hospital do país

Health workers paralyze activities at the country's largest hospital

This morning, some health workers paralyzed their activities at Maputo Central Hospital (HCM), the largest health unit in the country, demanding payment of the 13th civil service salary. The announcement of the suspension of activities in the state sectors, starting today, was made on Friday. An HCM employee, quoted...

Fiscais florestais do Parque do Limpopo paralisam actividades

Limpopo Park rangers stop work

Park rangers from the Limpopo National Park in Massingir have decided to stop work in protest at the lack of contracts, pay cuts and precarious working conditions. According to a report in the newspaper "O País", more than 60 inspectors from the Limpopo National Park, in Gaza province, decided this morning to...

Sasol retoma actividades após a paralisação provocada pelas manifestações

Sasol resumes activities after the stoppage caused by the demonstrations

South African petrochemical company Sasol, which exploits natural gas in the province of Inhambane, is operating normally, after the stoppage caused by the demonstrations that have been taking place since last October. According to a report in the newspaper Notícias, which quotes the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Silvino Moreno, the problem that culminated in the...

NAGI Investimentos paralisa actividades devido aos protestos

NAGI Investimentos halts activities due to protests

Transport company Nagi Investimentos has been forced to stop operating after two of its buses were set on fire by demonstrators. In a statement to "O País", the company said it would only resume operations once peace and tranquillity had been restored in the country. Nagi Investimentos operates on different routes, but has...

Profissionais de saúde paralisam actividades exigindo pagamento de salários

Health workers stop work to demand payment of salaries

The health professionals at the Marracuene District Health Center in Maputo province stopped work today to demand payment of their seniority allowances. According to the professionals, the payments stopped in 2022, and since then they have only received promises. "We generally want to be paid our...