Mozambique is the third country in the African continent with the highest levels of mangrove degradation
Mozambique will have more cement plants
The strategy being followed by the Government aims to stimulate more investments capable of producing and placing the final product with quality and at competitive prices, and soon a cement plant will be installed in the district of Chibabava, province of Sofala, another one in Vilankulo, province of Inhambane, and the third one in the province of Cabo Delgado
Portugal trains Mozambicans in classification and transparency in the diamond business
Portugal is training four Mozambicans in diamond business classification and transparency, as part of the African country's efforts to enter the market for this highly sought-after ore worldwide
Standard Bank can now perform foreign exchange activities in the country. The decision is from the Bank of Mozambique
The Bank of Mozambique has authorized Standard Bank to carry out foreign exchange conversion activities with its clients, after suspending the institution from the foreign exchange market for "serious infractions"
Port of Maputo to handle more than 18 million tons of cargo by 2020
The Port of Maputo handled a volume of over 18 million tons of cargo last year, compared to 21 million tons in 2019, a drop of 14.3%, which is due in part to the impact of Covid-19, as well as restrictive measures to curb the spread of the pandemic in Mozambique and countries in the southern region of Africa
Justice seeks managers who abandoned cement plant
The justice authorities are investigating the whereabouts of the managers of the Cimento Nacional company, in Maputo province, for having abandoned the factory and left the country without explanation, leaving about 300 workers unemployed
Fitch maintains Mozambique's CCC rating and forecasts growth of 1.8% this year
The financial rating agency Fitch decided Wednesday to keep Mozambique's `rating` at CCC due to concerns over debt, external financing and the lack of judicial resolution of so-called `hidden debts
Bank of Mozambique maintains monetary policy interest rate at 13.25%
The Monetary Policy Committee (CPMO) of the Bank of Mozambique decided this Wednesday to keep the monetary policy interest rate at 13.25%, justifying the measure with "the prospects of maintaining inflation at single digits"
Government seeks investors to make Mapai and Moamba-Major dams viable
The Government appreciated, this Tuesday, the stage of development of infrastructure projects for storage and management of water resources, namely, the dams of Mapai, Moamba-Major and Mpanda-Nkuwa