Author: Salvador Baloi (Salvador Baloi)

Professor queniano desafia Filipe Nyusi a ouvir vozes da razão para se ultrapassar a crise eleitoral

Kenyan professor challenges Filipe Nyusi to listen to voices of reason to overcome electoral crisis

Professor and former director of Kenya's Anti-Corruption Commission, PLO Lumumba, is challenging the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, to take on a fundamental role in promoting peace and reconciliation in Mozambique and to listen to the voices of reason in the face of the situation that has been going on in the country since October. In a letter addressed to the Head of...

INAM: Ciclone Chido já não constitui perigo para Moçambique

INAM: Cyclone Chido no longer a danger to Mozambique

The tropical depression, formerly known as Cyclone Chido, is no longer a danger to Mozambique and may dissipate in the next 24 hours. The information was provided by the National Institute of Meteorology (INAM), assuring that the system is outside national territory and is now moving inland towards Zimbabwe. According to the INAM note, the...

Cabo Delgado: Terroristas atacam distrito de Muidumbe e ressuscitam drama humanitário

Cabo Delgado: Terrorists attack Muidumbe district and resurrect humanitarian drama

The resurgence of armed attacks in various parts of the northern, central and southern regions of Cabo Delgado is resurrecting a humanitarian drama that has not been seen for a long time, after having been halted with the intervention of the forces of the Southern African Development Community Military Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM), and still...

Nampula: Antigo director, sua esposa e filhos acusados de alienação ilegal de imóveis do Estado

Nampula: Former director, his wife and children accused of illegally disposing of state property

The Nampula Provincial Office for Combating Corruption (GPCCN) yesterday arrested the former director of the Provincial Infrastructure Services, Gil de Carvalho, on charges of illegally selling state property to private individuals, mainly his immediate family members. Also accused in the case are his wife, son, brother-in-law and...

Condenados do caso das dívidas ocultas recusam transferência para Cadeia Civil

Convicts in hidden debt case refuse transfer to civil prison

The convicts in the so-called hidden debts case are refusing a transfer from the Língamo prison in Matola to the Civil Prison in Maputo, a proposal that has been put forward by the prison authorities. The idea of the prison authorities, according to a publication in the SAVANA newspaper, was to transfer all the convicts in the hidden debts case, who are...